Mother Wired Magazine Cover

March 1, 1997


How To Teach Your Baby to Read:
The Gentle Revolution!

Author: Glenn Doman
Publisher: Doubleday Dolphin Paperback
ISBN: 0-385-11161-4
1975 edition, 170 pp.

Reviewed by Mother Wired Reviewers

STOCKTON DESK - Your baby can learn to read at two-years old, at three - or even younger. In fact, the years before your child starts to public school - when the brain is developing most rapidly - are the best time of all for learning to read.

In this great little paperback book, 1975 edition, Glenn Doman shows why tiny children want to, can, and should learn to read.

The author also explained what is behind the controversy surrounding early reading instruction in the public schools and shows you, in detail, how you can teach your baby to read. The author uses an easy to follow, step by step method.

This is not a pressure system or a chore for you or your baby. It is a joyous, fun, and tremendously rewarding experience that will open up new paths to knowledge for your child.

Glenn Doman is the director of institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential. It has, for the past generation, experienced unprecedented success in teaching children to read around the world.

The 1975 edition of this book is still available at used bookstores. Call around to find a copy.


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